
by SpiritOfLogic

Chrome, Facebook
and other Webcontent Apps too slow?

Do you hate how slow the Facebook App is? Do you wonder why Chrome and other webbrowsers on iDevices don't get to their full speed? The answer is simple: Apple denies them access to one game changing technology - Just In Time Compiling. Only Apple's Safari is allowed to make use of it. But without JIT-Compiling JavaScript is much slower. All the speed gains of Chrome are consumed by this disadvantage. It is what makes the Facebook App so horribly slow. There is no reasonable advantage for the user to not use it. Apple just wants this advantage for their Apps.

Here is the solution: iWebBoost! With iWebBoost you simply enable JIT-Compiling for all Apps. It results in an immediate speed boost of 2x - 5x for JavaScript performance.

From the makers of iTouchSecure, iRealSMS, PwnTunes and PhotoAlbums+:
iWebBoost, Convenience... Optimized for your Lifestyle:
Apple - but with ALL possibilities.


  • JIT-Compiling for all Apps
  • Speed boost Browsers like Chrome, Dolphin,...
  • Speed boost Webcontent Apps like Facebook,...

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